Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Message of the Day - Pictures of Life or Life in Pictures

Good Morning,


Earlier this evening I saw a McDonalds commercial where Ronald McDonald was carrying around a large picture frame as he walked around town. In each case you could see people, animals, houses, and all sorts of other things within the picture frame as Ronald held it up.


When I saw it and how even though we were just looking at people, animals or things through the empty picture frame, something special resonated.  That each moment in our lives is, in effect, a snapshot of our lives.


Pictures mean so much to us.


As we take pictures to keep moments alive in our memories, this commercial showed that the special memories we look to keep are not just the ‘Kodak moments’, but every moment of our lives.  That we don’t have to be going through downtown Rome or London, that we could be walking down our own streets or at our local grocery.  


That our lives are wondrous and full of amazement and joy in all that we do and encounter. That the mundane is often more than just that if we let it be. We can find joy right besides us.


That even when there are bad times, life is full of good even within the bad, and that often just down the road, there are even more wonders awaiting us.


If we wait for those picture perfect moments in our lives, then we can miss out in the everyday moments which can be just as amazing.


When we wait for perfect, we often miss a lot of the good enough.


Look at each moment of life as a snapshot, and while it may not be stored on a hard drive, photo album or on the web, that it still can be and should be treasured.


Today, I saw my wife, Karen, and I trimming some trees after dinner this evening with our dogs outside with us bounding around the yard. It was a good moment, a special moment. It is a picture that puts a smile on my face, it’s a picture worthy of a frame.  


What pictures are you going to look at? You know they are right there waiting for you to admire them.




Sanford Berenberg
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Product Details  Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"



Saturday, June 25, 2011

Message of the Day - A Window into our Souls

Good Morning,


As many of you know, I have had leg trouble for the last 17 years and had corrective surgery last October. Since then, every few months I have gone back to the surgeon for a follow up on my progress and so far it has been going very smoothly. Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes!


On my most recent visit to the Doctor, I was brought not into one of his examination rooms, but his office. What I expected to see there and what I saw were very different.


In his waiting room, hallways and examination rooms were diplomas, awards, recognition articles, etc.


Since he is one of the best, if not the best, in his field, there are many, many of these awards, articles, certifications and diplomas. It is what you would expect to see when going to a doctor’s office. You want to know that they are competent and that others feel the same way, thus the recognition.


In these rooms it was what he wants his patients and their friends and family to see.


In his personal  office, where he spends most of his time while not working with patients, is what he would want to look at. In many places when you get to see people’s inner sanctums, you see a lot about them.


In my little cubby hole of an office, currently a 5 x 7 closet turned into an office, there are copies of some of the books I worked on, one of my mother’s favorite pieces of art, some sayings from the Dalai Lama, some affirmations a photo of my Mom, and a whole lot of books (so much my wife thinks the floor will collapse at times, but we are safe, honest).


When I went into this doctor’s office, there were literally dozens and dozens, maybe even over a hundred photographs around the wall, starting at the ceiling circling the room. Each photo is of a doctor who served their residency with my surgeon.


I was amazed. This Doctor, when going into his inner sanctum, surrounded himself with those who he had helped.


This room was about others, not about him. His own office!


We can all learn a lot from my surgeon.


What we want other people to see about us is a window into our souls. In the examination rooms, the doctor is showing his competence, but in his inner sanctum, he is showing us those who have been served, and now are serving others.


What a testament of helping others! What an inspiration for those who are residents under this Doctor now, knowing they too will be helped.


To the folks I mentor, you will probably see me taking a photo of you to put into my new office (or swiping one off of Facebook).


When people look into the window of my soul, I want them to see the person who lives to serve others.


What do you want people to see? Are you doing those things now? If not, why not? And if not, do you want help? If so, contact me.




Sanford Berenberg
Follow Me on Twitter!

Product Details  Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Message of the Day - To Control or Not to Control

Good Morning,


My daughter likes watching ‘America’s Next Top Model’ and I find the show interesting as well. In one of the episodes when there were four contestants remaining, the two bottom contestants were told the areas they need to improve. One was told that they were too controlling and would not let themselves let go. The other contestant was told that they were out of control, that they had little t no discipline and when trying to strike a pose, her body and face would do different things. One of those two were let go from the show.


It ended up being the one who was too much in control.


Why would they let go the contestant with too much control over the one without enough of it.


The answer, I believe, is it is easier to teach someone how to increase their level of control than it is to teach someone to let go of control once they have it ingrained in their personality.


You know the types, the control freaks, who like to know where everything is, what everyone is doing, when, and with what. They find it hard to operate in a chaotic environment. When plans are not followed, they get upset and often lose control (because of the lack of control of others. Ironic really).


While folks can be taught how to let go, it is harder for them. Harder than for those who learn new tools and tricks to help them get more control.


I believe the judges on ‘America’s Next Top Model’ saw that in the contestant that they would have a better chance of helping the model who needed to learn control . That she had a brighter future in the modeling industry.


This is probably true in all industries where we need to be flexible rather than rigid.


One of the challenges is that each of us tends to be a control freak in some area of our lives. Be it wanting to know what everyone is doing all the time, or having our personal space immaculate, or ensuring that you are dressed meticulously all the time, we have to learn to be a little more flexible, to give up that control from time to time.


By doing so, we can find things that we too can learn in areas where may already be very good at, but if we try to control everything, we may just miss out.


Something to consider.




Sanford Berenberg
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Product Details  Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"




Sunday, June 12, 2011

Message of the Day - Coaching Up

Good Morning,


Sometimes I see myself as the kid I was, back when I was growing up. At those times I look at other people who are captains of industry and leaders while I am seeing myself as the kid and I can get intimidated.  This sometimes causes me to keep from communicating with others, and more importantly, makes it more difficult to share my experiences and wisdom with them at times when I know they could use it.


These people, no matter their experience, skills, knowledge, etc., are still people just like you and me. And in that, they need guidance and advice from those who have it to offer.


If we are intimidated by them, we may hold ourselves back from helping those who may be in the greatest need, even if they ask for help.


I try to remind myself that we all need help from time to time. Every last one of us is human and no matter how good we are at what we do, no one is perfect at everything. And in that, no person is truly an island all the time. We may be able to build small islands around ourselves and live in small closed off worlds, but life is not lived in an isolated deserted island, away from everyone else, and what about when storms come?


We are all forced to deal with challenges and problems which come to us from many different locations and people. We are forced to deal with challenges we both never experienced before, nor even knew they could happen.


It is in these times that we need help the most from others, whether we know it or not.


And it is in this time, that we, those with the wisdom to share, should not be afraid to share it or at least offer it. That is, to help others, in a time of need. Even if they are a captain in their industry or a legend amongst men.


Some folks just hate being helped and only prefer to help others, and then slog it through their own issues when they come up, without the help or advice of others. That is unnecessary heartache and pain fueled by ego and pride.


By coaching upwards, sharing wisdom in a time of need with those who seem to have it all together, but don’t, we can extend the range of assistance we can offer others.


No one has been through all the experiences I have besides myself. And no one has been the experiences you have. This puts us in a position to be helpful to others who are facing challenges we survived or even mastered surviving.


Remember, we are all people, and no matter how tough, how together, how commanding someone is, they are people just like you and me. With needs to be met, but egos blocking the doors.


If we get a chance to coach upwards, do so. And you may have made a new friend or helped someone out of a difficult situation.




Sanford Berenberg
Follow Me on Twitter!

Product Details  Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"



Sunday, June 5, 2011

Message of the Day - Doing the Nice Thing

Good Morning,


Have you ever seen the Movie 'Groundhogs Day' with Bill Murray and Andy McDowell. It’s the one where a pompous weatherman, Phil Conners, and his team travel from Pittsburgh to Punxsutawney, PA to do a story on the ground hog, Phil, and whether he sees his shadow or not. In the movie, team arrive the day before, get up, meet in the town square, do their filming and then leave. So they think. There is snow moving in and they have to stay in the town one more night. When Bill Murray (Phil Conners) wakes up the next day, it is Ground Hogs day again. And he relives the same day, again and again and again.


At first he goes through shock, then he gets greedy, and adventurous, and then tries to play God by saving the life of a homeless man who dies on Ground Hogs day. He then sets his sights on getting one of his team mates, Andy McDowell to fall in love with him. Each day he learns what she likes, like French Poetry, and proceeds to spend days learning each of these skills to be her perfect match, and that fails.


On the last day, I really love watching that last day when Bill Murray finally breaks the spell. In that day, his every action from beginning to end is poured out on helping others. He has ‘errands’ to run. He is not looking for glory, but to give love.


Each of the things that he does are not huge, but in the lives of those he helped, he made a major impact.


Sure the movie is Hollywood, but it shares an important message about giving of ourselves to help others.


When we pour ourselves into making the lives of others better, even it is simply handing a bottle of water to someone who is outside in the heat waiting for their ride, we make a difference.


Those differences made on a daily basis can change us just as much as they can those who we help.


Remember, even if what we do is just some little thing here or there, the impact of that little thing could be priceless to another.


After reading this message, why not do something nice for someone near you. Even if you hate them.


And then after that, do something nice for someone else.


And then keep it going.


You might even see folks start doing nice things for others too, cascading the niceness across town.




Sanford Berenberg
Follow Me on Twitter!

Product Details  Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
