Good Morning,
My current read is Seth Godin’s book “Poke the Box” ( ). His message, as always, is simple and direct. We need to take initiative, and act. To ship or deliver our product, service, or whatever. The act of taking initiative, taking chances, failing along the way and learning to boot, is key to success in our increasingly faster paced globalized, digitized world.
In one section, Seth Godin talks about Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, the man who discovered that by cleaning their hands, Doctors can drastically reduce the death and disease of their patients.
The question posed in the book is why did it take until after Dr. Semmelweis’ death for this life saving concept to take off in the medical world considering how revolutionary and beneficial it is and was to the world.
The answer given is that Dr. Semmelweis was a jerk about how he shared his information, or rather how he lorded his discovery over others. In Atul Gawande’s book ‘Better’ there are examples of Dr. Semmelweis’ letters to fellow Doctors.
“You, Herr Professor, have been partner in this massacre” and “…I declare before God and the world that you are a murderer.”
Kind of makes it hard to want to listen to Dr. Semmelweis’ discovery.
It also makes me think of the times that I have had good messages to deliver to others which I might have not delivered in the best way possible. Maybe because I was a bit too preachy or even arrogant in how I delivered the message.
At times we may get caught up in the glory of sharing our discovery or accomplishment, rather than ensuring that the message gets delivered.
It’s at times like these that we need to remember that we are no better than anyone else. Even if we know something that others really need to know.
That when we share what we know and have learned with others, we should do so in a spirit of caring and giving rather than in a spirit of superiority.
That no matter how much information we acquire, we are still just another person, no better no worse.
I wonder how many lives would have been spared had Dr. Semmelweis understood this concept of humbly sharing wisdom.
While what we have to share may not be as earth shattering and life saving, we can at least make sure we deliver our message so it does not put off our audience.
That is, don’t be a jerk about it.
Thank you for your continued reading of my posts, and I hope you continue to learn something new every day to help you or another grow daily!
Sanford Berenberg
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