Friday, March 11, 2011

Message of the Day - Stop and Smell the Leadership

Good Morning,


As previously mentioned we all can lead from different levels within an organization, team, etc. We can lead downward, side-to-side and upward. In some cases we do multiple simultaneously.


But have you stopped to look at the different leadership roles we have in our day to day lives. I mean, just list them out and look at them.  As an example, here are most of my leadership positions:


·         Husband

·         Parent

·         Son

·         Brother

·         Nephew

·         Church Member

·         Friend

·         Godfather

·         Uncle

·         President, Scottish Society of Louisville

·         Chairman, Customer Contact Center Network – 2011

·         Board Member, Stewards Staff

·         Committee Member, Scout Troop, BSA

·         Team Leader, present company

·         Team Member, various roles and teams at work.


So here is a group of leadership positions which run the gamut of front line grunt all the way up to big kahuna and all the way in between.


In each of these roles, I address the people I work with differently.


In effect, I use different leadership skills to do the job at hand, be it being a team member at work, or the president of an organization.


Each of you also has our own lists of positions where you have the opportunity to lead from different levels.


And if we want to be the best we can be, it is something we should spend some time learning about and growing.


No matter where anyone is in life, we are leaders.  We can be better leaders often by just stopping and smelling the leadership that we are giving those all around us.




Sanford Berenberg
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