Monday, February 14, 2011

Message of the Day - Putting it into perspective

Good Morning,


My current read is “A Rose for Reuben: Stories of Hope from the Holocaust” by Robert Rietti ( It is a collection of true stories from people who survived the Holocaust and some of the amazing lives they have lived and experiences they have shared.


Half of the stories brought tears to my eyes. Each contains a tale of amazing faith, gifts people gave to each other, or the amazing goodness in the hearts of people who have suffered what most of us will never understand.


These tales show me how blessed I am in my life and help put my troubles in perspective. They also show me that I can help others, no matter how difficult things get in my life. That, with these true stories I see that what I consider a difficulty in my life is really not much more than a bump along a road.


When we think we have it rough, when the bill collectors are calling, or the soreness in our leg just won’t go away, etc., we can learn a valuable lesson from those who have lived through the atrocities of the Holocaust. One prevailing message came through as each faced and overcame their challenges.


That message is ‘This Too shall pass’.


As we learn and grow daily, we build ourselves up, strengthen ourselves to weather the rough storms. By investing and reinvesting in ourselves, we give ourselves the tools to face the difficult challenges in our lives.


Knowing that no matter how bad life gets, that like those people in ‘A Rose for Reuben’ that ‘This Too Shall Pass’.


That we will carry on.


Tomorrow will be another day.


So long as we breath we can make a difference in our lives, and in the lives of others.


If there is hope in the most dire of places in our world’s history like the concentration camps of World War II, there is certainly hope for each and every one of us in the days that are to come.


Whatever you are going through, there is hope.  The stories Robert Rietti captured and shared attest to that.




Sanford Berenberg
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