Sunday, January 2, 2011

Message of the Day - Increasing Options Ahead

Good Morning,


As we look forward to a new year, we can look forward to a greater number of opportunities and options ahead of us than offered to us in the years before. I am not suggesting that our economy is now simply better than 2010 or that our problems facing us last year stayed behind, rather the increasing rate of change in our society opens the doors for us.


91 Years ago, the first radio news broadcast was sent.

83 Years ago, the first regularly scheduled Television show was broadcast from Wheaton Maryland.

65 Years ago, the first computer was unveiled in America, the ENIAC.

53 Years ago, the first fully tested microchip was presented.

34 Years ago, the Atari 2600 was released, one of the earliest game consoles.

31 Years ago, Word Perfect was released as a word processing software.

26 Years ago, the first version of Windows Operating system was released.

23 Years ago, Sony introduced one of the first Digital Cameras, the ProMAVICA MVC 5000.

19 Years ago, the first MPEG format was standardized.

17 Years ago, received 1,000,000 hits on the internet in its first year.

14 Years ago, Red Bull energy drink was first introduced to the market.

12 Years ago, WIFI was first used commercially.

10 Years ago, Playstation and X-Box entered the game world.  

9 Years ago, the first wireless headset hit the market.

8 Years ago, Simon, the first smartphone by IBM was introduced.

7 Years ago, Google went public.

6 Years ago, Facebook was launched.

5 Years ago, Twitter was launched.

4 Years ago, the iPhone was released.

3 Years ago, Android Phones were released.

2 Years ago, the Kindle DX was released, usable in 100 countries.

1 Year ago, the iPad and Microsoft Phone were introduced.


The rate of new technology, and the doorways that these offerings open is coming at an ever-increasing rate.


This means, even if the economy continues to struggle, which it may do for several more years, there will still be opportunity out there if we just have the heart and strength to look. This means that even though things are tough, we are not stopping, but moving forward.


It then becomes our decision if we want to batten-down the hatches and hide as things get bad, or find a wave and catch it into the future.


It’s your choice.


Enjoy 2011, which will be the best year EVER!



Sanford Berenberg
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