Sunday, November 14, 2010

Message of the Day - With True Grit

Good Morning,


In our Sunday School class is a couple, Chuck and Mary, who are sight impaired. They normally are picked up by a bussing service and wait in the Church lobby to be escorted to our classroom on the second floor at the end of the hall. This morning, as I was getting situated the class mentioned that they were not here yet and wondered who was getting them. A few moments later, as a plan was being finalized on who was going to escort them up, Chuck and Mary walked into the room on their own, with their walking canes.


We were all impressed at their feat, then Chuck said smiling:


‘It’s amazing what you can do when you have True Grit.’


Of course, that line got me thinking. And it is amazing what we all can do when we have True Grit.


First off, what is True Grit, though? … True Grit is synonymous with: Fortitude, Prowess, Tenacity.


People displaying these traits: fortitude (Strength), Prowess (Skill) and Tenacity (persistence and refusal to give up) generally have a greater success record than those who are not as strong, not as skillful and not as persistent.


The first step in showing True Grit is to make a decision, to draw a line in the sand, and remain firm in our decision, no matter what.


The next step in showing True Grit is to act, doing what we believe to be right, against all odds, and with only ourselves to rely on at times for assistance. All the while, making course corrections as necessary, but not giving up.


The final step in showing True Grit is to accomplish our goals, as we stated we would.


Chuck and Mary walked their way in the dark, resolved to get to where they needed to be, no matter what. And they succeeded.


What goal do you have set for yourself today which you can roll up your sleeves and show your True Grit in achieving today?


Once you decide, GO. DO. Succeed!




Sanford Berenberg
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