Sunday, August 15, 2010

Message of the Day - We are Unique and that is Good

Good Morning,
In my recent read, "Encourage Me" by Charles Swindoll (, I came across a section which really resonated with me. It was how each and every one of us is a unique person, and more than that, each and every one of us is purposefully made to be unique.
While being who we are does not necessarily make for a calm and simple life, it does make it okay to be who we are. That means that we don't have to be a John Wayne or Bill Gates or Martin Luther King Jr. or anyone other than who we, ourselves are.
Being unique is good because there is no one else in the world quite like us. For some of us, this a good thing. I know there are many people out there thinking that there is only one Sanford Berenberg and the world is grateful. I am too. This means that I am the only one of me. It means that the contributions I make to others are all the more important as I am the only one of me who will be making them. Not that any of these are innately better than the gifts of others, just that what I give can only come from me, like what you give only comes from you.
This does put a burden on ourselves, though. Since we are the only one of ourselves and the gifts and blessings we bring to our families, friends, jobs and society at large can only come from us, it behooves us to do the best we can.
That is, since we are unique, what we bring to the table should be our best.
When we help others, we should do our best in this endeavor. That does not mean when we donate to a charity or non-profit that our gift will be like Bill Gates' gift, but it will be our gift. It may look a lot like the gifts given by others, but it comes from us, making it unique. And in that respect we should do our best in it.
The words we say, come of us, and are unique, so lets also make them count for the benefit of others.
When we leave this world, there will be no others exactly like ourselves ever again. Because of this, with the time we have here, lets do our best to help others in a way that only we can do. No matter what we do, with our intentions pure and focused on helping others, giving our best, that is the penultimate gift we can give anyone.
We are each unique and that is okay, because the world is a better place because of each and every one of us when we put our efforts on helping others.
Enjoy!  Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"


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