Sunday, May 16, 2010

Message of the Day - Love & Trust, the Secrets to Success

Good Morning,
My current read is S. Truett Cathy's "Eat Mor Chikin, Inspire More People" ( which is a book about doing business the 'Chick-Fil-A' Way.
Right from the outset, S. Truett Cathy shares with his readers the 'secret' of his success starts with caring for and giving to others. Further, his way of doing business is built around taking care of his employees and the community at large. Its more than just doing right by those who work with you and those around you, it is loving them. It is spending more time thinking of what you can do for others than what you get from helping others. The employees then, fueled by this love and support, take care of the customers.
The secret is more than being closed on Sundays so that employees can spend time with their Lord and their families. It is more than the scholarships, the foster homes and the many other kind and charitable works of this organization which make it such a success. By showing that you love someone and you are going to do whatever you can to help them, these people are unleashed to give more of themselves in all of their endeavors.
Think about it.
Would you feel more inclined to take chances and do more work for someone who says 'thank you' and gives you a paycheck (while this may sadly be rare), or for someone who consistently shows they love you, care about you and want you to succeed, in addition to giving you a paycheck?
In a world driven to hands-off impersonalization by fear of lawsuits, corrective action or whatever, to see a culture of love and support is more than refreshing, it is exciting. It makes me want to create one too. 
Love and giving creates a culture where people think more about others than themselves. When we have teams and entire departments thinking about the welfare of others over themselves, we have engaged, caring and driven people who will do what needs to be done to succeed.
For this culture to exist, though, there needs to be love and trust.
Where love and trust is absent, we have lawsuits and 'C-Y-A' and 'Every-Man-For-Yourself' mentalities.
The success at Chick-Fil-A is not a one-time success model. It can be brought to any place where people work.  
The brilliance is that in cultures absent of trust and love, it can be turned around one person at a time (and yes, it may be a very hard task).
And that person can be you.
Enjoy and Eat Mor Chikin!  Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"


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