Sunday, March 14, 2010

Message of the Day - Doing What Needs to Be Done

Good Morning,
Last night I saw a man I knew working late night as a janitor at a local private school. This turns out to be his second job. When I asked him why he was at the second job, he told me that it helps pay for his three kids who go to this private school. That is, he worked extra hard, a second job, to help make a future for his kids and family.
It struck me that this is the legendary dedication you hear and read about in an ordinary person. This was the guy who put in the time and energy to do what was right for his family. He was the unsung hero for his family who got to see less of him due to his sacrifice for them.
When I think of my needs, a new roof, replacement windows, dishwasher, etc., I realize that I could be worried and upset about these needs, or I could do something extra to help resolve them. I know I could be that guy who stepped up for his family, or I could choose not to be. The important point is that is my choice, all of our choices, to go the extra mile to get the job done. To do what needs to be done. 
Seeing this man reminds me that the answer is rolling up my sleeves and doing more for the family, for my home team. This does not mean that I will get a second or third job, but it does mean that I will look at ways to step it up improving myself and my abilities to help. It may mean doing more chores around the house, and cutting back on spending. It may mean taking a few more college classes to better position myself for the future.
Whatever the path may be, the answer is that it is up to us to evaluate the situation, make a decision and then do what needs to be done.  Nothing more , nothing less.
In any of the challenges we face in life, we know that we are to choose how we react to them (sometimes this happens after we vent, freak out, or blow a gasket and then get ourselves together again).  It is also crucial that we then do something to move us toward our goals. This may mean changing something in our daily routine to re-evaluating our own core beliefs.
Ultimately, whatever we choose to do, we must roll up the sleeves and get cracking. Often times there are more than just ourselves impacted by what we do or don't do.
Choose to go the extra mile and make the difference.
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