Good Morning,
My best friend, Howard, implored me to read the following book, and as his taste in books is very similar to mine, I ordered over Amazon and dove right into it. The book is "Now is Your Time to Win" by David Dean ( This is a very easy to read and very profound book which caught me by surprise with its simplicity. David Dean was selling books for during his summers during college and put together a list of principles on how to be successful in selling. What he found is not only did they help him be number 1 in sales, these principles applied to all facets of life.
While much of the material is covered in other venues and books, the steps here are so basic, so logical that I had to stop and muse on what I have been missing in my growth as a writer and speaker.
The seven principles on how to bounce back from failure to success as listed in "Now is Your Time to Win" are:
1. Accept Your Situation. No matter where you are, stop and take a look around and see what is really going on. This is one that really needed to read and apply. I often look at the situations in my life and see what steps I would take to get to the next, but never fully took in where I was right there and then and accept it as where I am. It was always where am I going.
2. Be Willing to Fail: A gem of a principle that if people are willing to make themselves this vulnerable and then learn from their mistakes they can be unstoppable. Some of my greatest work has come from former failures.
3. Make Daily Preparation: The Devil is in the Details. When we don't plan the details, we increase our chances of failing. I need to get my lists out and follow them more often, and more importantly, to keep using them. I have a tendency to make a list of to-do's and then when I finish them I don't add more to the list and keep it going. Lists have been one time events for me, and I need to make them a daily event.
4. Be a Professional: This is how you look at what you do. If you are in customer service, then find out what being a professional in that field means and do that. This means dress the part, do the research and putting in the effort to do things right.
5. Live in the Present: This goes along with #1. If we keep looking forward to the future or live in the past, then we have limited ability to deal with what is happening to us now, here in the present.
6. Do Your Best: When you do something, do it to the best of your ability, and in a way that shows that you really care about what you are doing. This one can be very hard working in a fast-paced world where we are lured and often forced to multi-task and do multiple activities with less efficiency than we can do any one. I have been slowing down and pushing back when necessary to ensure I am doing my best.
7. Let God Help You: We can only do so much by ourselves. There is a time when we can power our way through our tasks and there are times when we need help. If we open ourselves up to allowing the Lord to help us, we open the door to doing so much more. (Check Philippians 4:13).
Another great read, and one that I need to check and recheck often to help me move forward in my drive to be a best selling author and a successful coach.
Thank you all, and enjoy!
Sanford Berenberg
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