Sunday, February 28, 2010

Message of the Day - Won't you Be My Neighbor?

Good Morning,
Last week I read "The World According to Mr. Rogers" ( This is a delightful book with a lot of great insight into living a full and happy life. While the thought of this information coming from Mr. Rogers may sound childish, it is far from it.
Mr. Rogers shared with us many different truths of life. He also taught us in a way that makes it safe to learn and experience these truths. His kind and loving approach to sharing information knocks down the barriers to learning often put up by ego, fear and ignorance. As a kid I was fascinated by Mr. Rogers, and as a teenager and young adult I was put off by his simplicity and blandness. As an adult, I am once again fascinated, but on a whole new level.
One of the most powerful of the messages Mr. Rogers shares with us in this book is that it is okay to have feelings, and more importantly that is okay to share our feelings in a healthy way.
In our hustle-bustle world of emails, instant messaging, text messages, etc., we often become rigid, putting our 'game face' on to get through the day to accomplish our goals. In a sense we turn off our emotions and feelings and roll up our sleeves like a hardened soldier. Those showing any emotion, happy, sad or otherwise, stand out or are even seen as weak.
The turning off of our feelings, though, detracts from our humanity. It lessens the wonderful nature of what makes each of us unique and can even mask what has helped endear us to others. Repressed feelings over time become dangerous, both mentally and physically.
The challenge for some is how to appropriately express their feelings to others. For some, the challenge is even more basic, to show any emotion whatsoever in public. Our society has even glorified the 'Ice Man' or the 'Ice Princess' mentality of showing no emotion. Even though it may be cool, it is still unhealthy.
When we can freely share our feelings, even if we get a bit sappy every now and then, we help our emotional and mental health. We reduce our stress and improve our overall mental health.
So how do we start if we are not used to sharing emotions?
We can smile at others when we feel happy. We can practice telling people how we feel about something, even if it is upsetting. If we feel we are going to lose it, then take a walk and get composure prior to trying again.
And if we are truly struggling with this, it is okay to seek professional help for someone to talk to and help straighten out our thoughts and feelings.
Because in the end, it is okay to have our own feelings and be ourselves, just like Mr. Rogers has shared with us for many years.
Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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