Sunday, October 25, 2009

Message of the Day - Dare to Be Uncommon

Good Morning,

My current read is Coach Tony Dungy's second book 'Uncommon: Finding Your
Significance' with co-author Nathan Whitaker
). Like his first book, 'Quiet Strength', this one is also engaging and
inspiring. The theme of the book is to do the hard work and avoid short
cuts, while being humble, honest and dedicated to be the best you can be.
That these traits are, in today's world, uncommon.

Coach Dungy's message for us is more of a plea for everyone, especially
young men, to do what is right and step-up to be the best they can be for
themselves, their families, friends, community and God.

One section of the book that stuck with me was on respect.

We need to be respectful of others, but also realize that others may not be
respectful to us. In those times when we are disrespected, we may not be
able to control or change what is being said or done to us, but we can
control our reaction to these times. It can be tough to be under verbal
attack and not attack back.

That no matter what happens in bad times when we are stressed, or made angry
by those who have hurt us, we can chose how we respond and do so in a way
that we can be proud of.

All too often, in the heat of the moment we tend to say or do things which
will have long lasting negative effects on us and in our lives. With the
internet, that much is even worse as 'Google Never Forgets'. What gets out
on the web stays out on the web… forever.

If we work to control our anger and frustrations so that when get into those
funks or bad times, that we can look back at our reactions and be proud of
ourselves on what we did, or sometimes more importantly, what we did not say
or do.

We can change ourselves to be more uncommon like Coach Dungy says, by bring
respectful of others, even when we do not feel they deserve it or worse, if
they are hurting us. As we do the right thing over and over again, it will
become part of who we are. And wouldn't you like to be known as a person
who is always able to look back at how you acted and what you said and not
lose sleep?

There are so many other good messages in this book. I originally took it out
from the library, but ended up buying it I liked it so much.


Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"

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